Ismail Hassan
Développeur Web

Années d'expérience
Projets réalisés
Opensource libraries
Clients satisfaits

Étudiant en développement d’applications et en design d’interfaces, avec une expertise en développement web front-end et back-end. Passionné par la création de sites et d’applications complexes et optimisés, ainsi que par la conception d’algorithmes efficaces.
Développeur Web
pxdraft Studio, UK Jan 2022 - May 2022Data & IA
Bellacom, Jan 2023 - May 2023Competences
- Java
- Python
- C#
- Symphony
- javascript
- React
Voir mes Projets
This project is an online shopping platform that offers a wide variety of Coca-Cola branded merchandise, including phone cases, pens, masks, clothing, and other accessories. The store provides a smooth user experience.

Welcome to my professional portfolio! Here you can explore my skills, past projects, and learn more about me as a developer. This platform showcases my journey, the technologies I specialize in, and offers a way to get in touch for future collaborations.

A full-featured web application designed to help users track and manage their personal expenses. The app allows users to add expenses, categorize them, and view detailed statistics related to their spending habits. The dashboard provides insights into the total monthly expenses, spending distribution by category, and highlights the most expended categories for the current month.

Developed a frontend hotel management application for Hotel Le Prince, featuring a user-friendly interface for booking, room management, and billing.

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